Airalo vs. Revolut eSIM Comparison: Who Has Better Prices?

You’ve surely considered Revolut eSIM since its launch and wondered how it stacks up against established market players like Airalo. We’ll compare these two providers right here, and don’t worry, you’ll also get a price comparison in this article. Airalo vs. Revolut eSIM battle begins.

Firstly, it’s worth noting that Revolut has added eSIM to its array of products including accommodations and insurance services. It’s primarily aimed at existing customers who can use these services all in one app. It is particularly beneficial for subscribers of Revolut’s more expensive plans. For the priciest plan, you get 3GB of global data included. We have already tried Revolut eSIM and you can read more in our review.

Even a small feature like eSIM could attract new customers, and thus Revolut had to set competitive prices.

Main Differences Between Airalo vs. Revolut eSIM

airalo vs. revolut esim

Let’s dive into the basic comparison between Airalo and Revolut eSIM.

App and Price Accessibility

The most significant difference for us is accessing the pricing of different packages. Airalo displays everything clearly on its website and in the app. Anyone can view it to check the current offers.

Prices for Revolut eSIM can only be found in the app. You need to be logged in, meaning you need a Revolut account. The registration isn’t as simple as with other eSIM providers where usually an email, or a sign-in via Apple or Google, suffices. Since Revolut primarily offers banking services, you must provide details as required by a conventional bank (ID card, identity verification, AML information, etc.).


While Airalo controls everything internally, utilizing its servers and developing its app etc., it cooperates directly with big operators like Vodafone, O2, AT&T, or T-Mobile. For us, the customers – purchasing, customer communication, and all technical issues are handled directly with them. You shouldn’t be redirected to someone else for assistance.

With Revolut eSIM, it’s a bit different. You buy the package through their app, but the eSIM is actually provided by 1GLOBAL, a company specializing in telecommunication technologies. If something goes wrong, Revolut has to coordinate with 1GLOBAL, which can prolong the resolution of technical issues.

esim revolut menu

Airalo vs. Revolut eSIM Prices

Now that we’ve clarified the main issues, let’s look at what interests us most – the prices. For comparison, we used 10 GB packages, which are popular among travelers. Airalo shows prices in dollars, as they are presented on their website. With Revolut eSIM, on the other hand, you see prices in your main currency (for us, CZK).

CountryAiralo 10 GBRevolut eSIM 10 GB
Czech Republic$22$34.5
Sri Lanka$21$19.7
Price Comparison Between Airalo and Revolut eSIM

Surprisingly, in most of the countries from our selection, Revolut eSIM wins. It’s a bit unexpected, but clearly Revolut has entered the market aggressively, aiming to be cost-effective compared to the biggest player in the market.

We did not include popular Thailand in our selection, where Revolut eSIM offers 10 GB for $15. Airalo does not have this package. Instead, they offer 50 GB for $9.90 and unlimited data for double that amount, including calls and SMS.

If you’re missing a destination in our list and currently don’t have access to the Revolut app, drop us a comment and we’ll gladly provide the prices. Or join our Facebook group and ask there.

Always compare prices and definitely check other providers like Mobimatter, Maya Mobile, Yesim, eSIM4Travel and others. Often, you might find even cheaper rates. Our comparison for specific destinations may help as well.

Consider also that Airalo and other eSIM providers often offer loyalty programs and discounts for first purchases.

Summary: Airalo vs. Revolut eSIM Comparison

Revolut has entered the eSIM market with full force and can definitely compete with other major players. If you are already using their app, it’s worth considering purchasing your data package from them as well.

For new customers, Airalo, which is solely focused on eSIM and dedicates all its efforts to this service, will likely be more appealing.

Also consider that Airalo and other eSIM providers often offer loyalty programs and a discount on your first purchase, which can make their prices comparable to or even lower than Revolut’s.

💸 Take advantage of our discount codes for your first purchase 💸
Airalo $3 code KATERI4806
Nomad $3 code MARE67aw
Yesim 10€ code UWWP896


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Marek Farda
Marek Farda
I have been travelling since I can remember. Currently I have visited a total of 45 countries. My girlfriend and I run the blog, where we help people travel cheaper. We want to be online when we travel, so we have been exploring eSIM options for two years now. We try them everywhere on our trips outside the EU and write our observations on this blog.

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