What is eSIM?

eSIM is short for "embedded SIM", which means that it is a built-in SIM card directly in the device.

Top 8 Best eSIM Providers

You're probably getting ready for a vacation, wanting to stay online during your travels and, of course, save money. Look no further! We are...

How to Choose the Best eSIM for International Travel in 2024

Traveling outside your country and decided to get a data eSIM to connect to the world? You might be a little confused about which...

How to Install and Activate an eSIM?

You want to travel, you bought an eSIM to do it, and now you're wondering how to install it on your phone? We'll show...

How Do I Check if My Phone Supports eSIM? – 1 Minute Quide

Can I use an eSIM with my phone? That's the question you should ask yourself if you want to get data on your phone...

What is an eSIM and How Does it Work

You must have heard of eSIM. Whether you have a classic SIM card, nanoSIM or eSIM in your mobile phone may not matter at...

How to buy eSIM

First of all we recomend to check, if your device support eSIM and is unlocked for other networks.

1. Choosing eSIM plan

There are endless list of eSIM providers. But for all of them, it have to install their app, register and then just choose one of the packages based on your destination, amount of data and length of stay.

2. Registration

The first purchase may take a little longer due to registration, but it's still quick. All you need is a valid e-mail.

3. Payment

You can pay with a credit or debit card, you can also often use Apple Pay, Google Pay or PayPal either.

4. eSIM instalation

You need an internet connection for this step. We therefore recommend to install an eSIM before departure. Some eSIMs are activated immediately after installation and others only after switching them on. Always check this before installation.

5. eSIM activation

Some eSIMs are activated as soon as you buy and install them. Others are activated only after connection to the local network. eSIM needs to be turned on in the settings.

6. You are online

That's it! You are online and you can enjoy your holiday.